Ahead Software SCSI & RAID Devices Driver Download For Windows 10


To complicate matters, other companies, like Ahead Software, makers of the Nero Burning ROM application, offer their own ASPI layers. So for SPTI enabled version of Windows (NT4, 2000, XP), you probably have the option of using either SPTI or ASPI (assuming you've installed an ASPI layer). On Windows XP/2000, the cd ripping library uses the SCSI passthrough interface. For some set-ups, mostly involving burners or virtual drives, no CD players or not all CD players are found. If this is the case, get the file wnaspi32.dll provided by Ahead Software AG. Arsenal Recon ZTekWare Computing ahead software gmbh its licensors Sonnet Marvell Semiconductors ltd. TunePat%SI% DVD neXt COPY MELCO WinVBlock B.K. Softlab DMX3191 KEG Pepstyle International Limited. Hewlett-Packard 公司 UXD BayHubTech/O2Micro dvdfab.cn machoman CGM Virtual SCSI Device.

  • On Windows XP/2000, the cd ripping library uses the SCSI passthrough interface. For some set-ups, mostly involving burners or virtual drives, no CD players or not all CD players are found. If this is the case, get the file wnaspi32.dll provided by Ahead Software AG from here. Download this file and place it in the program folder of BestPractice.
  • HP ProLiant 64-bit/66-Mhz Dual Channel Wide Ultra3 SCSI Controller Driver for Windows® Server 2003. Intel Chipset Identifier for Windows® Server 2003/2008 x 32 and x64 Editions. HP 6-Port SATA RAID Controller Driver for Windows® Server 2003 x32 and x64 Editions.
Prodocts Update

K4 Voice Development System


The K4 Voice DevelopmentSystem from Musicode
integrates an editor,librarian and sequencer to support
all areas of the KawaiK4 synthesizer.

The K4 Voice Development System from Musicode lets ST users obtainthe maximum from their Kawai K synthesizer. The K4 VDS integrates an editor,librarian and sequencer to support all areas of the K4 instrument.

Users may edit single- and multi-patches, and the effects, output anddrum sections of the K4. The program has quick, clear displays, click-and-draggraphic-envelope editing and provides for easy organization of your patcheswithin libraries and banks where you may use sort, filter, copy, swap anddelete functions. And the powerful sequencer is always available from anypoint in the program.

K4 Voice Development System, 599. Musicode, 5575 Baltimore Drive,Suite 105-127, La Mesa, CA 92042.

Spotlight Software and Electronic Arts have teamed up to bring youFederation, a strategic space trading and combat adventure gamefor the ST.

Federation combines a challenging starship flight simulator with a sophisticatedfree-market system to create a unique blend of action and strategy. Theplayer controls a ship equipped with a flexible flight control console,weaponry and a vital communication system. Use the ship's guidance systemto dock with space stations or actually land on alien planets. Money buyspower and more advanced weapons and shields, so savvy players will wheeland deal with the local populations to get the best possible price fortheir cargo. The player sets the goal: advance to the rank of Admiral ofthe Federation of Free Traders or amass the greatest fortune possible.

Federation, $49.95. Electronic Arts, 1810 Gateway Drive, San Mateo,CA 94404, 800/245-4525.

Accolade announced the release of The Game of Harmony, an arcadegame for the new age in which players must use a combination of strategyand concentration not to annihilate objects on the screen, but to keepthem from blowing up. Accompanied by randomly generated musical scores,players control a single sphere on a screen filled with constantly moving,multicolored orbs. Your task is to gather together like-colored orbs.

The Game of Harmony, $44.95. Accolade, 550 South Winchester Boulevard,Suite 200, San Jose, CA, 95128, 408/985-1700.

ST SCSI Hard Disk Kits
Microvision announces ST/Mega SCSI hard disk kits. The MV325and the MV650 provide 325 million bytes or 650 million bytes ofdisk storage. Desktop publishing, server and MIDI applications now usethis much capacity.

The external chassis matches the ST/Mega style and color. The MV seriesdrives are designed to save desk space with dimensions of 9.5 x 10 x 4.47inches. The chassis includes a power supply, a rear-mounted micro-coolingfan, one SCSI ID and write protect. Changing the SCSI ID lets drives moveeasily between systems or daisy chain on a single system.

Ahead software scsi & raid devices driver download for windows 10 64-bit

The MV325 and MV650 use Maxtor mechanisms which couple maximum reliabilitywith ultra-fast 1-million byte/sec transfer rate and an l8ms average accesstime. Maxtor drives have proven their reliability in mainframe, minicomputerand server systems. The MV series drives are thoroughly tested and comepreformatted so they just plug in and run.

MV325, $1,995. MV650, $2,995. Microvislon, 18180 Cornell Road, SuiteE, Beaverton, OR 97006, 503/690-6639.

Latouche, from Psychologi Logiciel, lets users design, loadand save keyboard configurations from within their favorite program. Italso lets users type accented characters by first typing the accent, thenthe desired character. All characters in the ST character set can be used.The program can load a default keyboard at boot time and includes samplekeyboards.

Latouche, $14.95. Psychologi Logiciel Software, C.P. 1522, Embrun,Ontario, K0A 1W0, 613/443-2435.

Maintaining mailing listsis easier than ever using
Tracker/ ST's integratedfunctions.

Step Ahead Software has released Tracker/ST, an exciting newproductivity package designed specifically for the ST.

Tracker/ST is a fully GEM-based program that combines mailing list,mail merge and person-tracking features in a single integrated solution.Tracker/ ST's mailing list functions include multiple separate mailinglists, the ability to print labels for all names or for names that meetcertain criteria, 10 preset label formats (including one for Rolodex cards),the ability to edit, add and save new label sizes and full support forlabel printing on the Atari laser printer.

Tracker/ST, $79.95. Step Ahead Software, 496A Hudson Street, SuiteF39, New York, NY 10014, 212/627-5830.

G.I.M.E. Telecommunications
A new type of telecommunications program and a BBS, which have beenin the conceptual and development stages for almost two years, are nowavailable from Micro Creations. These unique applications - G.I.M.E.Term and G.I.M.E. BBS - boast a method of graphic image transmissionthat does not suffer from the long and drawn out transfer time of conventionalmethods such as Vid-Text graphics. Both programs have achieved an object-orientedsystem that is fast enough to be used routinely in daily on-line messageswithout becoming tiresome. Because the escape codes the system uses areVT-52 compatible (the ST's native screen protocol), the terminal will becompletely compatible with ST BBSs that do not support this new extendedgraphic format. Sysops should be delighted to hear that the BBS is designedto take advantage of the GEM interface, making the job of running a boardmuch less of an effort and more of a delight. Even the initial startingup of the BBS is a breeze due to the click and drag configuration program.

G.I.M.E. Term, $30. G.I.M.E. BBS, $40. Micro Creations, 4609 MillbrookWay, Bakersfield, CA 93313, 805/397-9414.

If you have a new product for the ST, we'd like to hear from you.Please send press releases and product photos to Products Update,START Magazine. 544 Second Street, San Francisco, CA 94107

An open-source audio time-stretching tool for Windows

v1.03 - December 28th 2007

Ahead Software Scsi & Raid Devices Driver Download For Windows 10 Xp

Ahead software scsi & raid devices driver download for windows 10 xp


BestPractice is a musician's practice tool, to slow down or speed up music, either from an MP3 file or directly from a CD. Ordinarily the sound is distorted when slowed down our sped up - you get the effect like when playing a 33 rpm record on 45 rpm speed (remember the Chipmunks?). BestPractice tries to correct this, so you can slow down and speed up music, while keeping the original pitch. It is also possible to change the pitch of the music without affecting its tempo. Play along with for instance Eb tuned guitars without retuning your own, or slow down that high-speedguitar solo on a CD that you like to learn.


This splits up in two parts: 'why is BestPractice made?' and 'why would I use it?'
To start with the first: I saw that there were programs available on the internet that do this, and you have to pay for them ($20 to $50). Since I thought: 'I can do that', I had to prove it, right?
And for part two - well, there are probably more reasons, but those I can think of are:

  • You'd like to transcribe music, but need to slow it down to hear it right
  • You can tune the song to your instrument instead of the other way around
  • You'd like to sing along, but you need to change the key to match your voice
  • You're learning a foreign language and you'd like to slow down the spoken examples
  • You're like me and like to fool around with audio and/or digital signal processing
  • You think that playing Celine Dion at rave speed is fun =D


You can find the installer for BestPractice here (652 kb). Please consider a donation if you find BestPractice useful; already just a few dollars is very much appreciated! See Donations.
The source code can be found here.
Note that the cd ripping library used by BestPractice, akrip32, is licensed under the LGPL and the full source code is available from akrip.sourceforge.net. You do not need to download this to use BestPractice.


BestPractice can be translated quite easily to (almost) any language.The amount of work for the program itself is limited to translating ~72 lines, where a line is a few words at max. The translations are created from a text file, with '.po' as extension. I use a program called poEdit (freeware, www.poedit.net), which makes editing a bit easier, though any text editor capable of saving unformatted plain text files will do (like notepad). A template to modify to your own language you can find here (zipped, the dutch version) If you need any help or explanation, feel free to ask me. Or, if you see errors for your language, please contactme to correct this.

Languages already provided by users:

  • English
  • Dutch
  • German (M.A. Haas)
  • French (J-C Brotel, B. Zonderman)
  • Japanese (Swin Sakata)
  • Spanish (David Fernandez, Jaime Flores)
  • Swedish (Ola Mårtensson)
  • Danish (Hans-Jørgen Hansen)
  • Brazilian Portuguese (Claudio Brandt)
  • Italian (J)
  • Chinese (Cherri Hsu)
  • Hungarian (Németh Balázs)
  • Russian (Стас Бушуев - Stas Bushuev)

To do

There are still a lot of things to do, have a look here for details:
Source Forge tasklist


No CD players found

On Windows XP/2000, the cd ripping library uses the SCSI passthrough interface. For some set-ups, mostly involving burners or virtual drives, no CD players or not all CD players are found. If this is the case, get the file wnaspi32.dll provided by Ahead Software AG from here. Download this file and place it in the program folder of BestPractice. Often the problem is then solved.
In case you're wondering, due to the license I cannot include a copy of this dll with the program (as far as I know).

BestPractice crashes
on Windows 98:
If only I knew what is going on... But I don't, so no solution available yet. Please do keep the crash reports coming, one day I'll figure it out. Two suggestions:
  • Try the wnaspi32.dll described just above
  • Try the akrip32.dll from here. Place this DLL also in the program folder of BestPractice.
On XP or Vista
Sometimes this is caused by the absence of any CD player. Though BestPractice shouldn't care, apparently the cd reading library doesn't behave well on some computer/windows combinations. As a workaround, you can install a virtual cd drive, such as Daemon Tools.
Running BestPractice as restricted user

This needs some preparations (thanks to Matthias L., and I quote):
'it looks as if the problem is solved. Nero didn´t find any CD writer on the machine. This happens if the current user has restricted rights. Ahead software provides a tool called 'Nero BurnRights' to fix this. After using this tool, BestPractice works fine (as does Nero, of course :). One little trick remains: on exit, your software tries to write to bpsettings.ini. So one has to adjust the rights of this file, or - at first - generate it via a run of BestPractice as an admin (then the file can be created).'

Please report other problems on the forum.


Should you happen to like BestPractice, then a nice e-mail is always very much appreciated. Should you happen to like BestPractice even more, a small donation as a way to say thank you is most welcome. You can either donate through PayPal (no account needed when using a credit card): Or, you can ask me for my snail mail address and stick to the old-fashioned envelope+cash system.

Ahead Software Scsi & Raid Devices Driver Download For Windows 10 64-bit


You can contact me (Robert Moerland) at bestpractice@xs4all.nl.

Ahead Software Scsi & Raid Devices Driver Download For Windows 10 32-bit


Ahead Software Scsi & Raid Devices Driver Download For Windows 10 Download

Version 1.03
  • Bug Fix: improved mp3 file recognition (again)
  • Added Russian translation (thanks to Стас Бушуев - Stas Bushuev)
Version 1.02
  • Bug Fix: improved mp3 file recognition
  • Added Hungarian translation (thanks to Németh Balázs)
Version 1.01
  • Bug Fix: handling of ID3V2 tags is improved
  • Added Chinese translation (thanks to Cherri Hsu)
Version 1.00
  • Bug fix: pausing, dragging the cue bar and unpausing actually resumes playing
  • Bug fix: shortening the loop interval to 1/100th of a second does not hang the application anymore
  • Bug fix: repeating a song a couple of times does not corrupt the audio anymore
Version 0.99-0.1
These are stripped from the web site. See the included help file for details Note: the real Celine Dion was not hurt during the creation and testing of this application.